Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A short story using idioms

My friend Sakura from Japan and I went to Shibuya in Tokyo to hang out on a Sunday afternoon.
We were trying to decide what to do. Sakura wanted to find something sweet to eat like she always does. I didn't feel like eating sweets then. Sakura drives me up the wall sometimes. Since Sakura always has a chip on her shoulder, I decided to go with her. We went to a sweet shop and ate huge strawberry parfaits. She really chowed hers down in world record time. She always eats a lot because she has a cast iron stomach, and she also drinks like a fish. My gut feeling is that she chows down at home too.

After we ate sweets, out of the blue we decided to go shopping. Choosing the place was a piece of cake. We decided to go 109 fashion building to buy cheap clothes. It was difficult because everything cost an arm and a leg. She couldn't find anything she wanted so her face got red as a fire truck. I didn't really worry because Sakura is all back and no bite. The shopping trip went down like a lead balloon.

We were not in a good mood so we decided to go home. We walked together to the station. Sakura took a train to Azamino station and I took a different train to Oyamadai station. My house is 15 minutes walk from the station which is more than a stone's throw. When I arrived home I was so tired all I wanted to do was hit the sack. I slept really well that night, like a baby.

Even though the shopping trip was bad, we had a field day in Shibuya. We both want to go again next week maybe not to Shibuya but to somewhere else.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Coke paragraphs

On a hot summer day, you want to be sure of the refreshment you are drinking.
Coca-cola is the world’s number one soft drink for a reason.
Coca-cola is my and most other people’s default drink.
Coke is perfect with pretty much any meal.
It goes with fast food meals, Chinese food, and Italian food.
You can order take out and eat at home or you can eat at the restaurant.
Coke can be bought all around the world in every market.
Coke is made in Japan, America, India, etc.
Coke is cheap so everyone, poor and rich, can buy it.
Coke always tastes the same no matter where you buy it.
Coke is everything and everywhere!