Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A short story using idioms

My friend Sakura from Japan and I went to Shibuya in Tokyo to hang out on a Sunday afternoon.
We were trying to decide what to do. Sakura wanted to find something sweet to eat like she always does. I didn't feel like eating sweets then. Sakura drives me up the wall sometimes. Since Sakura always has a chip on her shoulder, I decided to go with her. We went to a sweet shop and ate huge strawberry parfaits. She really chowed hers down in world record time. She always eats a lot because she has a cast iron stomach, and she also drinks like a fish. My gut feeling is that she chows down at home too.

After we ate sweets, out of the blue we decided to go shopping. Choosing the place was a piece of cake. We decided to go 109 fashion building to buy cheap clothes. It was difficult because everything cost an arm and a leg. She couldn't find anything she wanted so her face got red as a fire truck. I didn't really worry because Sakura is all back and no bite. The shopping trip went down like a lead balloon.

We were not in a good mood so we decided to go home. We walked together to the station. Sakura took a train to Azamino station and I took a different train to Oyamadai station. My house is 15 minutes walk from the station which is more than a stone's throw. When I arrived home I was so tired all I wanted to do was hit the sack. I slept really well that night, like a baby.

Even though the shopping trip was bad, we had a field day in Shibuya. We both want to go again next week maybe not to Shibuya but to somewhere else.

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